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Public Procurement Law

Our Public Procurement experts provide advice on all aspects of the Public Procurement process and legislative framework. Balik Law Firm's comprehensive expertise is used by clients within most sectors, and we assist suppliers as well as contracting authorities and entities. Our team is focused on giving both operational and strategic advice. We also have extensive experience representing clients in court proceedings related to Public Procurement.

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The rules on Public Procurement are under constant development and perceived by many as complex and formalistic. Our team is dedicated to accommodating the clients' need for specific and solution-oriented advice – not only related to what is possible within the rules, but also what is needed to ensure good value procurements.

We assist contracting authorities and entities with developing procurement strategies, quality assurance of procurement documents and processes, contract drafting, etc. If desirable, we also assist with the practical carrying out implementation of procurement procedures. On the supplier side, we provide quality assurance of tender documents and tender offers, etc.

Our team of experts has significant experience as to the regulations for the classic public sector, for the defence and security sector and not least for the utilities sectors.

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At Our Law Firm, you will be working with well experienced lawyers in different languages including Italian, Turkish, Spanish 

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